New Journey
Hello. Welcome to my website. It astonishes me that this whole journey of mine started because I had the same bag as my coworker. I always been kind of “craft” but only made items for my family and friends. So when the idea to make my own bag came to me, I didn’t second guess my ability to actually do it. I just didn’t think it would lead me to building a business. I have found something that truly makes me happy and content. I can sit at my sewing table for hours and find myself getting lost in my thoughts of my next creation. Well actually it’s not a sewing table but more like a kitchen table… 🤭. With the love and support from my family, I have taken over half of the kitchen. I have went down a long road of discovery in the bag world. I have come across so many great patterns by talented people. I bought my patterns and greatful to be able to use their patterns for my vision. Bagstock Patterns, Oro Rosa Bag Patterns and Swoon Patterns are some of my favorites but look forward to making other bags from other great patterns.
My idea for my bags are contemporary yet still have a splash of “native” flair. I have used some fabric from Native American fabric designers in my first collection. They sold out at my first craft fair show but I inserted pictures of them throughout my website. But like I had mentioned before, I will not make that same bag again. Just to ensure that any bag that comes from me is unique. So far, it has worked out 🤓. Well thank you for visiting my website and any questions I will happily answer. Contact me. Have a blessed day! 🖤💜
My idea for my bags are contemporary yet still have a splash of “native” flair. I have used some fabric from Native American fabric designers in my first collection. They sold out at my first craft fair show but I inserted pictures of them throughout my website. But like I had mentioned before, I will not make that same bag again. Just to ensure that any bag that comes from me is unique. So far, it has worked out 🤓. Well thank you for visiting my website and any questions I will happily answer. Contact me. Have a blessed day! 🖤💜